Are you after some tips to get glowing skin? Then read on! If your skin is currently looking or feeling lackluster, tired, and not-so-fresh, then we reckon we have the blueprint to achieving a radiant, glowy complexion. 

That’s why in this blog, we’re dishing out some timeless tips with a dash of Cannabella magic to give you that glowing skin look.

How to Get Glowing Skin: The Golden Basics

1. Hydration is where it’s at!

Just as plants thrive with a regular sprinkle of water, dull and dehydrated skin is always asking for more H2O. Aim for at least eight glasses a day and watch your skin glow brightly in appreciation.

2. Eat your Greens and Omegas

Foods rich in antioxidants, like leafy greens, nuts, and fatty fish, are essential companions for a radiant complexion. They combat inflammation and give your skin a bounty of nutrients it requires to shine. 

3. Sleep like a Queen

Remember, beauty sleep isn’t just a catchy phrase—it’s the real deal. Ensure you’re getting your 7-9 hours for optimal skin rejuvenation.

4. Sunscreen is Non-Negotiable

Even if the sky’s overcast, those UV rays are powerful. If you’re a fellow Aussie heading into summer with us, then you’ll need to be paying EXTRA attention to your sun exposure time. Exposed skin is dry, damaged skin: i.e., the opposite of a glowing complexion!

5. Get a routine

It doesn’t have to be a 12-step skincare extravaganza, but if you’re consistent with your morning and night time routine to keep your complexion hydrated and your pores clear, you’re setting your skin up for success. This especially means never sleeping in makeup, and always making sure you cleanse your skin from sunscreen and grime after a day outdoors.

Gather together your skincare weapons

Okay, we’ve covered the basics. Now, let’s uncover how to use your skincare products to make you feel like you’ve got your very own spa at home!

1.It’s Green Face Mask time

Congestion, blackheads and blemishes all get in the way of a great glow. This is why you’ll want to keep our Green Face Mask on hand.

This wonderful skin food is not your average face mask. It’s a blend of green clay, kale, wheatgrass etc! We often liken it to a green juice detox, but for your face – it’s like hitting the reset button on your skin.

How to use: Mix your Green Face Mask with a small amount of water, smooth it onto cleansed skin, and – while you could scrub and rinse – why not go the extra mile? Allow it to sit for a few minutes while you breathe in the earthy goodness, and then wash off while it’s still slightly damp. 

2. Choose Your Serum Wisely

Everyone’s skin marches to the beat of their own drums, which means one-size-fits-all isn’t always the way to go in the world of serums. At Cannabella we get it, which is why we’ve got options. 

If you feel that blemishes are your biggest obstacle to your glowing skin dreams, then our Clarify Serum is your armor. However, if your skin swings between normal to the sensitive side, it – and you – will love the rejuvenating properties of our Renewal Serum. And lastly, if your skin is mature or in need of deep hydration, our Q10 Serum is ultra restorative. 

Check out our product pages for the low down on these goodies, as well as our Skin Types information if you’re not sure what skin-type you’re in.

3. Regular Check-ins

Caring for your skin isn’t a one time event; it’s a journey and a daily act of self-care. Check in with your skin regularly, feel its needs, and adjust your lifestyle habits and Cannabella products accordingly. With each season, you’ll notice differences in your skin moisture levels, roughness and tone – accommodate accordingly.

The Road to Radiance

It’s our heartfelt commitment to give you the best of the best at Cannabella, by way of both products and advice. Getting glowing skin isn’t about hiding or masking, but about celebrating and nurturing. So bookmark these tips, get into the swing of pampering your skin on the reg, and fill your cupboard with Cannabella’s goodies. We know you’ll have glowing skin in no time. 🙂