Leah is struggling with super dry and cracked skin on her hands and arm, post-surgery.
Leah had major surgery on her arm and had to have it in a splint for seven weeks. During that time, the skin on her hands and arm become severely dry, cracked and painful.
After nearly two months of not being able to move her arm, shower, swim or drive, Leah was shocked when she saw how badly her skin had deteriorated when they took the dressings off at the hospital.
“I looked like a crocodile! My skin was mega dry and I had quite deep cracks around the joints of my fingers and all over my palm. It was painful but it was also very ugly.”

Before Hemp Jelly

After Hemp Jelly
- Extremely dry skin
- Cracked skin
- Flaking, peeling skin
Traditionally you would treat extremely dry and cracked skin with a cracked skin balm, an oil- based moisturiser or even lanolin or Sorbolene. Many commercial creams for extremely dry, cracked skin are full of chemical ingredients, including parabens.
Parabens are a chemical many people are looking to avoid these days, for good reason. Scientific studies suggest that parabens can disrupt hormones in the body and harm fertility and reproductive organs, affect birth outcomes, and increase the risk of cancer.
Leah’s experience reflects this. She says that when she started researching treatments, many of the moisturisers had ingredients with names she couldn’t even pronounce.
“I didn’t want to use synthetic chemicals on my skin or anything with fragrance in it because I have quite sensitive skin. I didn’t want more problems on top of what was already going on.”
Things like rosehip oil, almond oil and even cocoa butter are also popular treatments for healing extremely dry skin but the problem is that they leave your skin feeling greasy.
“I tried using a ‘butter’ type of product but – this is going to sound crazy – it was too rich for my skin. It just left a shiny layer of grease on my skin and it also had a really strong natural smell.”
Leah turned to internet research to try to discover an alternative treatment for her painfully dry skin.
“I Googled organic hemp moisturiser and Cannabella was the first thing that came up. After a quick look through their website and know what all the ingredients were on every product, I placed my order. And I’m so glad I did. What a difference!”
“I can’t believe how quickly it worked – and all without that gross greasy feeling that you get with some dry skin products.
Even though my arm is completely healed, I am now completely hooked on this stuff. I use it on my face because it’s such a light, easily absorbed, soothing product.”

We recommend using Cannabella Hemp Jelly three times a day for extremely dry, cracked skin. By following this regime, Leah was able to heal her dry, cracked skin within a week.
She applied it morning, noon and night and found that the light formulation made it comfortable to have on her skin.
Hemp Jelly product is proven to soothe, heal and protect damaged skin. Rich in natural ingredients including fatty acids, Vitamin E and Vitamin A, the active ingredient is hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is high in Chlorophyll, which naturally reduces inflammation and irritation, as well as inhibiting bacteria.
Our rich and soothing Hemp Jelly is free from petrochemicals and infused with Shea Butter and Beeswax, two aromatic ingredients which help skin draw in and retain moisture.
Nourishing Jojoba and Avocado Oils provide an antioxidant boost as well as Vitamins E and A to help speed up healing, prevent breakouts and support the skin’s immune system.